The Sam Chand Leadership is entirely online. No need to travel or block out weeks in your calendar for more seminars and events. You will participate online - all from the convenience of your home or office - or if you are a serious coffee connoisseur, from your favorite coffee house!
At the SCLI, you will be taught by Sam Chand himself over the course of 12 months who will help you become a better leader. You will participate in group coaching calls each month where you will learn secrets to success, and you can ask questions about challenges you face in your leadership and organization.
As a member of the SCLI, you will receive a new book in the mail every month! These books are carefully created by Sam Chand to help you in your leadership journey.
As a member of the Sam Chand Leadership Institute, you will not only have access to great teaching and group coaching, but you will enjoy a growing library of digital resources created especially for you. These resources are housed in our membership site, and the library grows every month.
We understand that you already have a full schedule and find it challenging to make time for hobbies, recreation, and leadership development. As a member of the SCLI, you choose the day and time that best fits your schedule. With the exception of our live group coaching calls, everything is on-demand on your schedule. And hey... if you miss a group coaching call, it's not a problem. They are recorded so you can go back and watch it at your convenience.
At the end of each year you'll receive an official certificate in leadership from the Sam Chand Leadership Institute.
So, what does a month in the SCLI look like? Great question! There are four key elements each month. They are: